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First Aid



In this section you will find some information on how to practice first aid to relieve the pain of certain pathologies. These indications do not replace professional treatment that only the doctor is able to perform.

This is a somewhat dated term that does not have much connection with the reality of current scientific progress. Unfortunately it applies to a type of pathology that instead of being frozen is very hot because it is very painful! The patient does not sleep for days and days and suffers the pains of hell while with a very simple treatment he can improve immediately!

In reality, the so-called frozen shoulder can be caused by very different pathologies, each of which deserves specific treatment. In principle we distinguish three different entities: traumatic arthritis, rheumatic arthritis and acute subacromiondeltoidea bursitis.

Traumatic arthritis heals on its own in about a year, rheumatic arthritis heals on about a year and a half while acute bursitis heals in a few weeks.

All three of these pathological entities heal immediately with two or more cortisone infiltrations that stop inflammation and immediately reduce pain, obviously it is necessary that the diagnosis is made by a doctor trained in Cyriax techniques and that he is able to make a diagnosis appropriate. Doing MRI ultrasound and other tests is just a waste of time, you need to remove the pain immediately!


The chronic painful shoulder

It is very important to be able to strengthen the muscles of the so-called "rotator cuff" to be able to prevent the onset of inflammation of the shoulder tendons.

All athletes who practice sports in which the arms develop a circular movement of the upper limb above the head, such as swimmers, volleyball players, tennis players, throwers of all types, are likely to have problems of this type.

During the launch, in fact, forces develop which tend to separate the joint margins making the shoulder unstable. Furthermore, the position of the arm above the head tends to decrease the space available to the muscles and tendons of the shoulder to perform their task in an optimal way.

Concentric exercise (in which the muscle fibers are shortened):

The patient must lie on his side with his arm resting on his side and take a 2 kg dumbbell in his hand. Starting from the hip, the patient must raise his extended arm to a 45 ° angle.


Sets of 10 reps must be done 3 times a week. It starts with a weight of 2 kg for a woman and 3 kg for a man, gradually increasing the load to reach 5 kg for women and 7 kg for men.

Eccentric exercise (in which the muscle fibers stretch):

If there is already a mild inflammatory state with a tendinosic process for which the shoulder is painful, it is better to perform the exercise with an eccentric type of work: To do this the arm must start from 45 ° and must be lowered to arrive slowly up to the hip. The progression and the number of exercises is similar to what was said above.

Obviously to start from 45 ° we will have to help ourselves with a pulley or a rubber band that allow us to lift the arm passively.

The arm must stop at 45 ° of abduction because when the abduction exceeds this value the space available in the narrow subacromial (the acromion is the bony protrusion that can be easily palpated in the upper part of the shoulders; below this the muscle flows sub-barbed) decreases to a critical level where the tendon conflicts with the acromion.

Via Casette 2, S. Maria di Negrar (VR) -

Tel:- +39 045  7702274

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